Kipling Funds
The Kipling Family of Funds are a group of alternative strategies, which through pooled fund investments are a core component of many of our clients’ portfolios. They provide exposure to the world’s largest, most diverse and liquid equity markets, emphasizing growth, dividends and income.
The Kipling Family of Funds invest in a diverse array of businesses led by savvy management teams that have demonstrated that they are superior allocators of capital and have consistently generated high profitability for their shareholders. As the businesses change, exposures are typically adjusted to reflect market conditions. Our selection of Kipling pools as a portfolio solution and their flexibility allow us to control risk while seeking higher returns on a risk-adjusted basis.
Today, the Kipling Family of Funds is comprised of three proprietary funds, Kipling Global Enhanced Growth Fund, Kipling Global Enhanced Dividend Fund, and Kipling Strategic Income Fund, owned and administered by NCM Asset Management Ltd. (“NCM”). Cumberland Investment Counsel Inc. (“CIC”) is the Portfolio Manager of these funds. Cumberland Private Wealth Management Inc., CIC and NCM are affiliated companies under the common ownership of Cumberland Partners Limited.
Kipling Global Enhanced Growth Fund
Exposure to the world’s largest, most diverse and most liquid equity markets, emphasizing high growth sectors, such as healthcare and technology, which are limited in Canada
Kipling Global Enhanced Dividend Fund
Focus on dividend growth, profitability and balance sheet flexibility emphasizing cash flows to shareholders.
Kipling Strategic Income Fund
Focus on providing a steady income stream through fixed income investing. Capital preservation while mitigating risk exposure from both an interest rate risk and credit risk perspective.